Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On the Road: the DOOR Denver Movement #DismantlingWhiteousness

Had the honor and privilege of spending a community day with the DOOR Denver Dwellers, currently serving a full year through the Presbyterian Church's Young Adult Volunteer program.  Here's what they had to say.

(former video of Helen removed by request)

Michael Watkins of Raleigh, North Carolina, ironically discusses how social media is hindering authentic community, and how we may need to rethink how we establish good communication in this very heated social climate.

Emma Moore of Indianapolis, Indiana corrects me on my question by carefully explaining the difference between "anti-racist" and "anti-racism."  You can also follow Emma's blog here.

Melissa Rift of Louisville, Kentucky, wonders how brown-skinned people feel about the subtle and not-so-subtle uses of "black exceptionalism" as it relates to Obama and people serving in law enforcement.

Click here to learn more about this video project.

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peace by peace by peace,
+Matthew John Schmitt @matthewjschmitt

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