Thursday, March 10, 2016

Whiteness History Month

My favorite component of having launched this site is generating dialogue and a space for learning and, hopefully someday, healing.  I am sharing my testimonies and connecting to others doing similar work.  In this space, I've virtually met Jason Chesnut, (follow him @crazypastor) an anti-racist, feminist pastor ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church on the East coast.  He's declared March as #WhitenessHistoryMonth, in a clear mission to uncover the often hidden, evil side of how this country rose to power.  In addition, Portland Community College will be digging into the very same theme this coming April.

DismantlingWhiteousness seeks to share, link, consider, dialogue with all of these projects, and I'm so excited to know that we are not alone.

But, before proceeding, be warned.  I have put the postings in chronological order, but it does open up some pretty horrific moments in the history of the United States.  

Whiteness History Month Postings by Jason Chesnut

and, just for some levity, a little MTV video on a response to, why can't we have White History Month?  There are counter-videos disputing the accuracy of the narrator's claims, but I like this because it shows the attitude problems.  And, she nails it when she reminds us that the United States rise to glory was on the backs of free labor.  Anyway, peace out: @matthewjschmitt

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